Creating Connections Education Employment Pathways (CEEP) provides young people who are currently experiencing, or at risk of homelessness in Melbourne’s north, west and inner south, with brokerage
funding that will assist them to access or sustain education, employment, and
Workers supporting young people 16–25 years of
age who are experiencing, or at risk of homelessness, can apply for funding on
behalf of their client using the following application form. Please refer to the CEEP FAQs and Funding Caps documentation as found on for further information about the use of CEEP funds.
The CEEP Administrator will contact you to advise
the outcome of your application and whether it has been approved (in full or
part) or not. Please note, if this application is approved, the submitting
worker must provide invoices to CEEP for reimbursement within one month of
approval, unless otherwise agreed with the CEEP Administrator. A tax invoice
from your organisation and copies of all receipts must accompany your